Covid-19 brings an end to the 2019-20 school rowing season

Wishing we were at the final day of Maadi today! This week has been a tough one for school rowers throughout NZ. We’re really proud of the CRC schools' efforts and achievements this season. Check out the medals that Avonside, Cashmere High School RowingCBHS Rowing Club and Christchurch Girls' High School Rowing claimed in 24 events at the South Island Secondary School Champs last month:
Boys u18 novice 8+ & novice u18 4+ (CHS)
Boys u18 2-, u184x+, u18 4+, u18 1x & u18 2x (CBHS)
Girls u17 4+, u18 4+ & u17 8+ (CGHS)
Boys u18 2-, u16 8+, & u18 8+ (CBHS)
Girls u16 8+ & u18 8+ (CGHS)
Girls u16 4x+ (AGHS)
Girls u17 1x, girls u18 4x+ & boys u18 2x (CHS)
Boys u15 8x+, u15 8+ & u15 4+ (CBHS)
Girls u18 2- & u18 novice 4+ (CGHS)

Also a special congrats to CBHS, who were crowned the South Island champion rowing school.

Keep well, and we're look forward to getting all our rowers back on the river when the time is right!

📸 Rowing Celebration


On hold for now


CRC's elites going strong on International Women's Day